Sun World Hosts Second Stonefruit Expo

The Stonefruit Expo is part of Sun Worlds fruit licensing program that involves more than 1,000 producers and leading marketing companies.

Cal Giant Berry Kicks Off Wimbledon Program

California Giant Berry Farms is spending all week this week sharing strawberries and cream with locals in tourists in downtown Manhattan.

U.S. Receives Season’s First Shipment Of South African Citrus

June 24, 2010 John Wannenburg, WCCPF

2010 Season’s first shipment of South African summer Citrus includes grapefruit for the first time.

In Quest For Fresh Produce, Chefs Hit The Roof

Chefs in and around Baltimore are starting rooftop gardens that provide tomatoes and other produce for their restaurants.

Lancaster Foods Recalls Bagged Spinach

Lancaster Foods has voluntarily recalled Krisp-Pak Ready to Eat Hydro-Cooled Fresh Spinach.