Crunch Pak Director Honored By Industry

June 28, 2010 Kari Volyn, Crunch Pak

PRODUCE BUSINESS names Afreen Malik of Crunch Pak among the magazine’s top 40 Under Forty receipients.

Ocean Mist Farms Manager Honored By Industry

PRODUCE BUSINESS names Afreen Malik as on of its top 40 Under Forty receipients.

A Plan Is Floated To Build Following For New Herring

Dutch marketers are hoping to turn new herring, which arrive in local waters each June, into a status symbol on a par with Beaujolais nouveau.

BP Spill Ticking Time Bomb For Bluefin Tuna

Petroleum gushing from a seabed well in the Gulf of Mexico has caused slicks that overlap one of two spawning grounds for Atlantic bluefin.

Oil Spill Impacts Entire Seafood Supply Chain

June 25, 2010 Russ Britt, MarketWatch

From fishermen to New Orleans restaurants, the ongoing Gulf oil spill has seriously hurt everyone involved in the area’s seafood industry.