Onion Extracts Could Be Natural Preservative

A new study shows the anti-microbial and antioxidant activity of compounds derived from onions may slow spoilage of foods by inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Chiquita Celebrates 365 Days Of Sustainability

Chiquita Brands International reflects on global sustainability initiatives the company has championed, raising industry standards.

National Sustainable Agriculture Standards Members Appointed

Leonardo Academy announces the appointment of two new members to the National Sustainable Agriculture Standards Committee.

Jamie Oliver Improves Huntington, W.Va.’s Eating Habits

Jamie Oliver, the crusading British chef who arrived last fall to help change habits in “the unhealthiest town in America,” has apparently won the hearts, minds — and stomachs — of the locals.

Kendall College School of Culinary Arts Students Sweep Regional Knowledge Bowl

April 22, 2010 Kendall College

A team of five students from the School of Culinary Arts at Kendall College, Chicago, won the Baron H. Galand Culinary Knowledge Bowl at the American Culinary Federations (ACF) 2010 Central Regional Conference.