Biscuits In The United States, A New Market Research Report

March 4, 2010 Companies &

This Biscuits in the United States industry profile is an essential resource for
top-level data and analysis covering the Biscuits industry. It includes detailed
data on market size and segmentation, plus textual and graphical analysis of the
key trends and competitive landscape, leading companies and demographic

Scientists Reinvent The Corn Tortilla

March 4, 2010 Staff Reporter, Enerpub

Mexican scientists are working to make “nixtamalization,” the ancestral
technique for preparing maize to be made into tortillas, a more environmentally
sustainable process.

Gelato Is A Fine Italian Art

Gelato is made from milk and not cream, and, in a nutshell, is slowly cooked with flavorings like fresh fruit, nut pastes or chocolate, creating a rich, deep and dense frozen concoction. It is creamier and has half the fat of ice cream, and is infinitely more delicious.

Creating Winning Italian Cheese Combinations

It is a daunting task to pair cheese and wine with so many options. The most popular cheeses balance each other when paired with the correct wine. One flavor will not override the other, but they instead work in tandem to create an overall enjoyable experience in ones mouth.

Tiny Tot Snags Win In Mikawaya Mochi Ice Cream Video Contest

March 4, 2010 Mikawaya

Mikawaya USA today announced the winners of the Mochi Ice Cream
video contest. First place goes to Marco DeCapite, father of tiny tot Mia
DeCapite, whose adorable, Mochi-muffled performance won 5,770 votes.