Cheese Of The Month: Scharfe Maxx

Scharfe Maxx is a Swiss knockout from Studer Dairy near the Bodensee on the Swiss-German border.

Seeking Savings, Some Ditch Brand Loyalty

Many shoppers are finding that shredded cheddar and milk peddled under store labels cost up to 40 percent less and often taste just as good as nationally known brands.

Artisan Bread, Neyond The Niche

February 1, 2010 Brian Hartz, Bakers Journal

Collaboration between bakers alliance, George Brown College fuels artisan baking.

Artisan Bakery Plans Expansion With Help From Mali Native

Artisan baker Alou Niangadou has built quite a reputation and his repertoire of more than 400 products has a Chattanooga bakery positioning for potential retail and wholesale customers.

Flowers Foods Adding To Nature’s Own line

Flowers Foods Inc. this week introduced Natures Own Sandwich Rounds. Available in 100% whole wheat and healthy multi-grain varieties.