South Korean Exports Of Roses, Lilies Surge To Record High In 2009

South Korean exports of roses and lilies surged to record-high levels in
2009, mainly due to the Won’s depreciation against the U.S. dollar and the
development of specially bred flowers, a state-run agriculture trade corporation
said Wednesday.

Happy Valley Woman Names Rose Festival Flower

De Ann Troen’s suggestion of ‘Summertime Souvenir’ earns festival’s prize rose.

SAF: Holiday Sales Rebound

The percentage of florists who saw Christmas holiday sales increase or stay the
same nearly doubled in 2009, compared to 2008, according to the Society of
American Florists.

Best Practices For Fresh Cut Flowers

When fresh cut flowers receive optimal care from harvest to consumer, they have
better quality and last longer. Our research has focused on ways to
make flowers last longer. We have developed a simple checklist to ensure
long-lasting flowers.

Burger King Reports Second Quarter Sales

Burger King Holdings Inc. reported results for the second quarter of fiscal 2010.