Tesco Awards Chilean Exporter Subsole Best Supplier Title

Exporter Subsole was chosen as the winner in the category “International Grower & Supplier of the Year Award in the Southern Hemisphere.

Country Maid Invests In Vantage Traceability, Product Recall System

December 15, 2009 Stuart Hunt, SG Systems, LLC

SG Systems is leading the way in food traceability, formulation control and product recall solution with Country Maid.

John Vena Receives First Shipment Of Radicchio Varieties

December 15, 2009 John Vena Inc.

John Vena, Inc. has received its first shipment of Radicchio Rosso Precoce di Treviso IGP, Radicchio Rosso Tardivo di Treviso IGP and Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco IGP.

Miller Poultry & Spartan Stores Partner To Donate Chicken To Food Banks

December 15, 2009 Spartan Stores

Spartan Stores and Miller Poultry are partnering again this year to distribute 20,000 pounds of chicken through Spartan Stores’ D&W Fresh Market, VGs, Plumbs, Toms and Olesons locations, destined for Michigan area food banks.

Armellini Industries Launches JA Mass Market Services

Armellini Industries, which encompasses many businesses including JA Flower Services, has added mass market vendor support to its service portfolio that will now fall under the JA Mass Market Services title.