New Findings Point To Increase In Coupon Distribution And Usage

November 9, 2009 Valassis

Shoppers saved $600 million more in 2009 than they did a year ago.

No. 1 Hispanic Retailer Expands To Orlando

Sedano’s Supermarkets acquires three Central Florida locations.

Industry Execs See Floral Recovery And Budget For Increases

In survey data collected by the WF&FSA Presidents and CEOs of growers, importers, manufacturers and wholesalers in the U.S. and Canada seem to agree that 2010 will be the year of the floral industry rebound.

Small Dairy Price Changes Ease Pain

Recent analysis by Dairy Management Inc. determined price increases of milk in the retail sector are best managed with a gradual strategy: smaller, more frequent increases, and that branded gallon milk sales are more price-sensitive than private label sales.

National Bread Month Celebrate the Good Nutrition of Grains for the Holidays

In celebration of National Bread Month and as we kick off the Holiday season, American Bakers Association (ABA) President and CEO Robb MacKie pointed recently to research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showing that people who eat a high percentage of carbohydrates tend to be slimmer than those who do not.