WASHINGTON — Green Lantern wants you to know you don't need to have a power ring or lantern to have the strength and lean muscle of a superhero. Along with exercise, the high-quality protein in lowfat milk can help give you extraordinary power to build, maintain and repair your muscles.
The new Milk Mustache ad features Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern sporting a Milk Mustache. The ad copy reads, "Where there's a will, there's a way. See what milk's protein can do for your muscles at LanternWorthy.com." The ad will be released in conjunction with the new Warner Brothers and DC Comics movie due in theaters June 17. It will appear in DC Comics on May 25.
Check out the new ad and see what milk's protein can do for your muscles at Facebook.com/BodyByMilk. You can also see if you have what it takes to join the Green Lantern Corps at www.LanternWorthy.com.
Source: Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP)