AIB International Announces Global Leadership Changes

February 4, 2016 AIB International

AIB International today announced leadership changes that will further secure the organization’s position as an industry leader and create an agile organization focused intently on its growing client base’s needs.

Grocery Deliverer Artizone Abruptly Closes

Online food delivery service Artizone announced that it shut down.

Costco Muscling In On Canadian Supermarkets

February 4, 2016 Jamie Sturgeon, Global News

When the country’s largest grocery store operator, Loblaw, reports its latest sales results in a few weeks, it’s expected to show growth roughly in line with what Metro, another big Canadian grocer, just posted, give or take a percentage point or two.

Meijer And Lucky's Markets Look For Twin Cities Locations

February 4, 2016 John Ewoldt, Star Tribune

When Hy-Vee announced last year that it plans to add eight supermarkets in the Twin Cities (two have already opened), consumers salivated at the thought of a reinvigorated supermarket scene. After Rainbow closed or sold its 27 stores in 2014, things looked less competitive.  But now commercial real estate developers say that three more supermarket chains are looking for locations in the Twin Cities — Meijer, Lucky's Market and 365 by Whole Foods.

Coming To A Metro Station Near You: Grocery Delivery

February 4, 2016 Luz Lazo, Washington Post

Too tired to stop by the grocery store after work? Metro thinks it has a solution for you — and a way the transit agency might eventually make some extra money.